
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Cooker

I am starting to take out the Xmas decorations, today the kids started their tree (we have 3 Xmas trees at our house, you will see!) and it will take me a while to get on with mine(s).
But to add a bit of Xmas feel I put something up in the kitchen :-)!

I started collecting decorations ages ago, even before I had a home. Everywhere I went, if I could, I would buy something for the tree. I got these cotton hearts and reindeers in Italy this year, I must admit, they will come off the cooker as soon as I start frying, but by then my tree will be up (i hope), and I can just move them there.

The kids and I could not decide which reindeer was cuter, the red or the checkered one... my boy looked at them in the eyes for a long time: "It is like they are saying to me 'pick me!', I can't decide!" We got them both.

What would you have done? Happy Sunday, here it is almost gone :-)!

Photos by Alessandra Zecchini ©


  1. che carine queste decorazioni in cuicna non ci avevo mai pensato.sono bellissime, quasi quasi ti copio l'idea!

  2. troppo simpatiche, Ale!
    e che bella cucina hai!
    baciotti dalla Francia.

  3. Copia pure Lucy, li ho messi qui apposta!
    (magari con un credito a questo link?)


  4. carinissime! hai 3 bambini? che bello ognuno si fa il suo albero? :) un bacio e complimenti per il blog hai delle ricette davvero interessanti! a presto!

  5. 3 trees! You a crazy lady ;P Must be nice and festive looking at your house though.

  6. Bellissime queste dcorazioni!! bella l'idea di metterle in cucina, bravissima. Mi piace molto la renna ^__^ baci

  7. I, too, would have gone with both. I can't wait to see your finished trees. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  8. I love your stove, Alessandra! And your collection of ornaments is lovely.

  9. Queen of chocolate, ho due bimbi, non tre, un albero per loro e... due per me!

  10. I love how your little Christmas pieces are hanging from your cooker.

    My husband woudl never permit to hang stuff off the cooker, he'd fear it was a health hazard.


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