
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Party Food for Girls in the media, and YouTube

The Western Leader Newspaper came to our kitchen the other day, you can read the story here (there is also a chance to win the book, if you live in NZ), and then they took a video of Arantxa making fondant roses. I didn't quite realize that I was going to be quite so much in the picture... ops, and no make up! Arantxa spoke really well, I think, and this was her first (and only) take! Watch it on YouTube for a better picture.

Another review of Party Food for Girls is on Happyzine (click to read it online), and recently we were on Taste magazine and the Tatler magazine. More to come, I am trying to collect it all to send to my Mum in Italy :-).


  1. Congratulazioni Alessandra, che soddisfazione :-)

  2. Ma che bello!!!!
    Cronaca: ho ordinato ieri il libro. Vediamo quanto ci mette e quanto costa....ti aggiorno!

  3. @ Arabafelice, sarei stata piu' contenta se avessi saputo di essere anch'io nell'inquadratura, almeno avrei provato a sorridere :-).

    Artu', grazie carissima, si' fammi sapere che sono curiosa anch'io!

  4. Che bello ragazze,che successo! E' stata proprio una bella idea!!un bacio

  5. Congratulazioni, che bello!!!!!!!!

  6. Gorgeous both of you - and very articulate - Arantxa did great!!!

  7. Caspita che soddisfazione dev'essere!Così giovane poi tua figlia e già così brava!Girl power!Bacioni

  8. Ma che bella soddisfazione, bravissima!

  9. How darling is this!!! You guys make a super team and a cute one! will love you want me to send you an invite...that way you can get on right away! You can pin from blogs or you can pin from my board and any other boards...highly addicting. I have not been on for a while as I spend way too much time on it...sooooo much fun.
    I am so going to order you darling book from Amazon..just wish I could get you both to sign it..tee hee...good excuse to fly your way. xoxoxo
    Happy day to you.

  10. caspita Alessandra che bei traguardi!!!! super complimenti!!!!

  11. complimenti di cuore Alessandra! un abbraccio...

  12. @ Koralee, finally managed to work Pinterest out, Arantxa was very keen to do it so we will do pin together :-). Just experimented with a couple of pics from Only recipes so far, but soon as I have a moment I will come and see you, you have lots of 'pinnable' things :-).

    @ To all others, thanks, feel free to share the video :-).

  13. Hey, when you're hot, you're hot! Make-up or not!!

  14. Hey wow, you two sure have been busy lately. So cool so 'see' you in the flesh on your youtube video. Well done to you and Arantxa xx


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