
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Easy Parmigiana with zucchini and eggplants, step by step

Slice the eggplants and 'sweat' with salt for at least an hour. Rinse and pat dry. Slice the zucchini into long strips, you can also sweat the zucchini for 20 minutes to take away any bitterness and make them soft, if you like. Step two will be to either fry the vegetable slices (with olive oil) or to grill/bake them. If you fry them they are tastier, but a bit greasy (remove excess oil with kitchen paper) and it does take time! If you decide to grill them or bake them just put them on a baking tray lined with kitchen paper, brush with olive oil and add a pinch of salt. Place under the grill or in fan oven at 180°C until they look cooked on one side, turn them over and cook them on the other side. The grill is quicker, the oven tends to dry them up, so when I turn them I also cover them with more baking paper so that they keep some 'steam'. I prefer the baking method but for special occasions I fry!! Once you have all your veggies ready start assembling them like this:

In a roasting pan make a first layer of fried/baked zucchini (don't need to grease the pan,
the zucchini have been cooked in oil.

Add a little passata (Italian tomato sauce).

Add a second layer of fried/baked eggplants.

Add some more passata.

Add more zucchini.

Add some more passata and top with mozzarella. Bake until the mozzarella melts.


Photos and Recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©


  1. Very Very Tasty.

    There are long lasting ways to get the amazing middle you crave. These genius tips
    Will help you shed inches and pounds, banish the bloat, And feel even more gorgeous.
    we have very best advice for quickly shrinking your tummy. Here are the surprising

    5 Tips to a flat stomach

    Hello, skinny jeans! Stop making these 5 Major mistakes and you will finally lose your stubborn belly fat

    1. Are you implying that I am fat? How dare you! hahaha

      How funny, usually Blogger filters out spam, but this is the second one that gets through this week. I am going to leave it just because it is so offensive that it is funny, and because the world seem to be obsessed with tips (usually 5, but I also saw 1 (for the lazy ones) to flatten the stomach. hahaha!

  2. mammamia che buona e che bella idea mettere insieme melanzane e zucchine!!

    1. Quando poi ci saranno anche i peperoni metterò anche quelli!

  3. l'ho sempre mangiata solo con le melanzane, segno per provarla anche la tua versione, un abbraccio SILVIA

  4. Che bell'idea zucchine e melanzane insieme....molto appetitose, passare da te è tornare con la mente alla bella stagione!

    Il sommacco da solo non so bene di cosa sappia, nella miscela che ho usato si unisce agli altri sapori e non si distingue, comunque ha messo molta curiosità anche a me! ;)

    ciao loredana

  5. Like the looks of that. Will have to give it a try.

  6. La adoro... veramente.. hai usato l'unico formaggio che posso mangiare, della verdura che adoro.. sei unica!! :)

  7. Davvero puoi mangiare solo la mozzarella Ely? Come mai?

  8. Adoro i post step by step! Rendono tutto così possibile per le meno esperte come me;)
    Bellissima la didascalia dell'ultima: eat !

  9. I made your eggplant, tomato and mozzarella this weekend from your wednesday post. very yummy! so I will be trying this one too as i also love zucchini :-)

    1. Great, I hope that you will enjoy this one too!

  10. That looks like it is a labour of love but one that is really worth it! :D

    1. Only if you fry the veggies, if you bake them or grill them is not so time consuming.

  11. DE-LI-ZIO-SE e davvero semplici con la spiegazione passo passo! Ti mando un bacione!


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