
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

New record for pageviews (topped the 1100 mark!) and some really nice photos of the Festival italiano

Photo by Right Hand Corner


First of all I would like to celebrate the first day where my pageviews (according to google statistics) topped the 1100 mark!

Pageviews yesterday

Edited 8 Nov, today I did 1228... new record
Edited 11 November 1,305... new record :-)
Edited 15 January, 12,587!

So, taking advantage of this moment of high traffic I would like to direct you all to the Dante Blog, and show you some lovely photos of the Italian Festival kindly offered by Right Hand Corner.
You can also find more photos in their FB Page. I would also like to ask you to support the voluntary work of the Dante Alighieri Society in Auckland by adding your name to the followers' list, but I don't know if it is working these days... I have been trying to follow other blogs myself and an error 404 always come up, making it impossible to add my avatar with google connect or other accounts. Did any of you experienced the same fate? Or do you know anything about it? 

Thank you and ciao



  1. Foto che guarderò senz'altro e complimenti per il traguardo raggiunto! :D Quel contenitore ha proprio tutti i colori stupendi del mediterraneo! Un abbraccio e buona giornata! ;D

  2. Ammazza Ale! complimenti! Il blog va alla grande :-) Yuppy, festeggio con te!! Bacioni

    1. Mi sorprende veramente perche' i commenti invece sono diminuiti, mi san che ci sono tanti 'visita e scappa' allora, ma le statistiche sono sempre interessanti.

  3. Thank you Chef, I'll keep it going... funny enough in recent times I had very little time for it, but many of the hits go to old posts, and a big back list is important for traffic.

  4. Che bella quella ceramica, la vorrei tanto! Anche qui abbiamo il circolo Dante Alighieri, non ci sono mai stata... e dall'altra parte della strada di dove lavoro!
    Buona giornata,

  5. Sono in tutto il mondo, chissà com'è il vostro? Se ci passi fammi sapere :-)

  6. Ah, today I did 1228 pageviews, pretty good month November, lets hope it continues like this :-).

  7. I really really want to dip my hand into that cookie jar my friend. xoxo Hugs and congratulations...xoxo

    1. So true, it feels like it is full of Italian biscuits too! :-)

  8. complimenti per il successo tutto meritato!!! Un bacione

  9. complimenti, bella quella ceramica, un abbraccio SILVIA


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