
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Postcard from Santiago, and meeting a food blogger from Chile

We only had one day in Santiago, so the sightseeing was a bit rushed (and it is a big city!), but we still managed a stroll in the city centre in the afternoon, a museum the morning after, and a special dinner with a Chilean Food Blogger (scroll down for more!).

Check out was at 12 so we went to La Moneda Palace, which was very close to our hotel (el único hotel de Chile que cuenta con una escuela de boxeo de primer nivel en sus instalaciones - the only hotel in Chile with a boxing school and gym... not that I used it, but fancy that, I didn't know that there were hotels with boxing facilities... in Chile or anywhere in the world!). Anyway, back to La Moneda, they hold different exhibitions there and they had one one about textiles. It wasn't planned really, initially we wanted to go to the Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, but it is closed for some major renovations (and not mentioned in their website). Still, I love textiles and there were some great examples of Mapuche weaving, like the ones below.

Most of the textiles were from different Latin American countries, and I was particularly taken by some Mexican embroidery...

... so colourful and expressive! I am traveling with my own embroidery, maybe these images will be of inspiration, or at least, they will push me into work more on my piece!

In the evening we went to a nice part of town called Providencia to meet Gloria (from the blog Canela kitchen) and her family at this Vegetarian Restaurant. One of the best things about blogging is that you get to meet a lot of lovely people from around the world, and it war really special to have Gloria in Santiago (actually, she lives outside and came to town just to meet us!).

Thank you Gloria for the lovely evening, and it was great for my family to meet you and your husband and kids! And thank you for the beautiful marzipan fruit! Que le vaya bien!

Photos  by Alessandra Zecchini ©


  1. That box of marzipan fruit looks divine and so photogenic. After visiting B.A. last year, it has really awaken my love with South America :)

    1. Yes BA is cool, we'll go there soon, I was there before having children, curious to see it again through their eyes!

  2. How lovely to meet with another blogger. Your trip looks fantastic - interesting places.

    1. Yes great trip! We are settled in Montevideo now and starting Spanish school tomorrow, here for 3 weeks before more traveling.

  3. Oh cute marzipan fruit! What a shame you had a rushed tour, although I do think the rest of Chile has a lot more to give than Santiago tourist wise (unless you want to go shopping?!). I love the embroidery though, I didn't see that!

    1. Yes, Valparaiso is much better, this was our destination, and Santiago just for one day and transit (two nights in the airport hotel!)

  4. thank you for a nice postcard from chile

  5. che bel reportage, deve essere una città molto interessante !

    1. Interessante sì, ma sono contenta di aver passato 4 giorni in Valparaiso invece, che è molto più interessante e carina :-)

  6. It sounds like a short but very productive visit. How wonderful that you were able to meet Gloria. It is always so nice to attach a face to name. I hope you are having a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

    1. Very true, after so many messages it is great to meet face to face and have a meal together!!!

  7. Lovely post dear! and for me was really nic eto meet you and your family, sadly the pictures we taked this night are really dark I will try to see if I can save one:)

    1. Yes mine are all very dark and grainy, this is the best I have :-)

  8. Ma che belle come sempre le tue immagini! e che meraviglia incontrare amiche foodblogger. sempre piacevole!!!

    un abbraccio!

  9. Hai ragione i colori sono fantastici e che bella la frutta di marzapane :-) Bacioni cara, ci regali sempre immagini splendide!!

  10. Cara Alessandra, ma che bello il posto in cui ti trovi...cosa fa se non ti funziona il forno? Fossi lì preferirei mangiare piuttosto che cucinare! ;)
    Sono un'appassionata di ricami e questi che ci mostri sono molto particolari e bellissimi.

    un abbraccio

  11. Looks like a really great trip..The scenery looks almost as good as the marzipan!

  12. It is my great pleasure to visit your website and to enjoy your excellent post here. I like that very much.


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