
Friday, October 7, 2011

How to make a low fat Spanakopita (with onion weeds, again!)

The first time I used filo, long time ago now, I learned to spread melted butter every two sheets of pastry. It seemed a lot but I didn't have the courage to skip this step. Then I started to put less and less (only for baklava I keep using lots of butter, but then you only get a tiny piece so that is ok, I guess :-), or to use olive oil, which felt more 'Mediterranean' than butter. But filo pastry is very low fat in itself and I wondered if I really needed to use fat... this version has no butter or oil, and yet it tastes great! 

Generally I use feta, spinach, garlic and cumin, or oregano. But while the onion weed abounds I thought "why not?", and made it with it.

I picked, washed and chopped some onion weed, using the bulbs, stems, leaves and flowers. I mixed with 600 g of frozen chopped spinach (defrosted at room temperature) and a big block of goat feta.

I used about 180 g of filo for this pie, half in the bottom, covered with the filling leaving a bit of a border, then I folded the borders in, and topped everything with the remaining filo sheets, tucking the borders under (like when you make a bed). I didn't spread any butter or oil between the filo sheets, instead I brushed the top and sides with water, so they didn't burn in the oven. This seems to be a common problem with filo pies, often the top gets really brown before the pie is cooked! I baked everything at 180° (fan) for about 30 minutes (didn't really check the exact time, sorry, but you can see it when is ready, the filo has colour underneath as well as at the top) and it was perfect!

With this recipe I take part in the event Healthy Cooking Challenge - Healthy Bakes
organized by Smita, and this month hosted by Priya.  Thank you ladies for this lovely blogging event!

Also, while I am here, I would like to share another review for Party Food for Girls which I really liked. Off to get ready for the big Italian Festival in Auckland (will post more about it later).


Photos and Recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©


  1. Ohhh yum it makes so much sense to put onion weed in (or spring onion for those of us who are less lucky :D), especially if you're not using much feta. Sounds yummy. Also I'd be much more likely to make things with filo without all the brushing (drives me mad how it tears so easily). Thanks for this!

  2. Love spanikopita :) +1 for the healthiness! No butter or oil, love it, I am so going to try this version. Thanks Alessandra :)

  3. Yes Zo, the spreading with butter or oil can be pretty tiresome!

  4. Ma che bella idea Ale!Io ure usavo l'acqua al posto del butter, buona lo stesso!
    kisses e grazie delle tue parole..

  5. un esperimento che mi piace molto, infatti uso poco sia la sfoglia che la fillo proprio per evitare di abbondare con i grassi, ma questo modo lo devo sperimentare.........spero però di sfuggire alla legge della compensazione e non avere l'esito dei tuoi finocchi ^ _____ ^ ciauzzzzzzz

  6. che idea geniale Alessandra, grazie infinite !rendere le ricette più leggere senza perdere sapore!Buon weekend....

  7. L'esito dei miei finocchi Astro? Vuoi dire che finisci per mangiarne di piu'??

  8. mi sembra un ottimo compromesso, molto più leggera ma di sicuro buonissima! ciao

  9. This is one of my favourite dishes, in fact you have reminded me of that fact - i'll have to cook it soon :)

  10. this looks delicious lovely to snack

  11. Che buona! Io non ho mai usato la pasta fillo, seguirò i tuoi consigli. Buona domenica, Laura

  12. Hehe, I found some onionweed at a park yesterday and just had a potato salad with it in. Yum yum.

  13. I was trying to remember the last time I had spanikopita and I simply couldn't remember. Maybe I should just stop thinking about that and start making this recipe!

  14. What a great a great use of onion weed! I always have problems with filo, it always seems torn or the sheets are stuck together.

  15. I have noticed that with the frozen filo Alli, so I always buy the fresh one from the fridge, and never the frozen one. Which one do you use?


  16. That's the good thing of using fillo instead of puff pastry. And it would be a shame to cover it up with butter, it tastes amazing just as it comes! A beautiful recipe!


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