Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wet gardening

Bunny wanted to see a picture of my garden, well, here you are, probably there are enough cabbage leaves for the snails (or for a bunny :) but mostly there is mud! The opossums keep munching the parsley (but note the coriander!) and even if you cannot see them here there are carrot and fennel seedling. Leeks at the back, and potatoes on the lower terrace (or I hope that they are there, underground!).   Plus lots of weeds, and snails! When will the rain stop!

1. Miniature broccoli, I have 4 plants and they are all... miniature. I had to pick them and eat them, I hope to get more on the stalks now. 2. Cape gooseberries (I just can make myself pulling out the plant, even if the fruit is not tasty anymore). 3. Celery growing slowly (but fern growing wild, pity I cannot eat them!), and 4. cavolo nero, surviving.

In pots

Strawberry plants, lemons and radishes

One satisfaction: at this time of year I get orchids, great cut flowers and long lasting! I should really plant more of these, they don't seem to mind the rain! 
And how are your gardens going?

Photos  by Alessandra Zecchini ©


  1. Ma è bellissimo! Hai proprio il pollice verde :-) Bravissima!

  2. il tuo giardino è bellissimo, complimenti. In Italia sta facendo molto caldo, siamo da parecchie settimane sopra i 35 gradi e le piante soffrono per la mancanza di acqua. A presto, Laura

  3. My garden has suffered this year from all the slugs too...they are driving me crazy. Love those lemons!

  4. Alessandra, ci devia assolutamente dare qualche dritta per il nostro orto...cresca rigoglioso eh, non c'è che dire, ma in quanto a ordine.......

    1. Preferirei orgoglioso che ordinato... adesso lo sembra un po' perché è inverno, ma d'estate diventa una foresta di piante che competono perché ci metto sempre troppe cose!

  5. It has been a bad year for crops everywhere, but the slugs and snails are having a great time.
    Lucky you been able to grow orchids outdoors. Here they are mainly sold as very expensive house plants. I sometimes buy them in the market as cut flowers for flower arranging. Again they are expensive.

  6. Thanks for sharing Alessandra! I am not even growing things in my garden this winter yet we have slugs and snails. Some of the biggest slugs I have seen. As long as a hand span!

    Your orchids are gorgeous. You must be very proud.

    I grew broccoli once and they were also mini. Since then I have read that to encourage growth of the crown, pinch off the outer branches so that it spends it's energy on the crown. Worth a shot?

  7. Definitely worth a shot... but with so much rain leaves grow too fast anyway (plus I go less into the garden)... maybe I should plant broccolini in winter, they seem to do better that broccoli, and leave the broccoli for the drier season. I still have seeds left, I will try to find some time to plant them again :-).

  8. I am so jealous of the gardening! I really wish I had been on the ball this year. I totally missed the planting time. :(

    1. Mostly I just put stuff in the garden all year round, since we don't get show here, but winters are hard...

  9. Cara Alessandra, che meraviglioso giardino e che stupende verdure. Grazie infinite per il tuo commento. Mi ha davvero fatto piacere, specialmente sulle foto. Lo sai che sono le mie primissime foto realizzate con la mia prima reflex. Ho cominciato solo adesso ad usarla e devo capire ancora tutto, ma adoro quella macchina e adoro perdermici dietro. Sono molto felice se metterai una mia foto su Pinterest. Ma come si fa a diventarne membri?
    Ti abbraccio carissima e grazie ancora. Pat

  10. Allora complimenti, sei gia' bravissima!, adesso passo e ti dico di Pinterest.


  11. Wet gardening tips are certainly what I am looking for! Since I retired, I've been spending more and more time in the garden.


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