
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Origami Christmas Tree Decorations

Today I am running around and, as I don't have time to upload photos, I will be recycling some of last year's ideas. These are the modular origami Xmas tree decorations I made for Good Magazine.

If you are into origami, and would like to try to make your own Xmas Tree Decorations, here is a good Youtube link. Happy folding!


  1. What a nice idea it is! I've never thought about origami for Christmas decorations. Neat!

  2. che simpatici e carini, ma con le poche abilità manuali che ho dubito che riesca a farne neanche mezzo!
    brava Ale! sei un pozzo di idee!

  3. Dear Alessandra
    How are you? I am back from a great trip. Great idea and very nice decoration for Christmas.
    Let me see what all I have missed
    have a nice week

  4. Alessandra...che dirti, le foto sono meravigliose, gli origami ancora di più anche se io non ci ho mai provato.
    Grazie! :*

  5. Ciao Alessandra,che bel blog hai! Molto ma molto interessante...

  6. Sweet Snow Flakes, I am sure that you could make them!

    Eleonora, Cinzia e Cinzietta, grazie :-)

    Ushnish, welcome back, have you posted about your latest trip yet?

  7. Io che sono zero in manualità..ti ammiro moltissimo!Sono bellissime queste decorazioni :)

  8. very fun! oh...and my new blender is a Vitamix! :)

  9. I vaguely remember these from last year.

    About a week ago, I attempted my first piece of origami in the shape of a heart. Its not the best, but I like and will be keeping it around for a little while.

  10. Sono andata a cercarmele le tue stelle di origami...sono bellissime!!! anche con la carta pacco e oro devono venire stupende!!! ...non so se sono abbastanza paziente però....


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