
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chocolate Coated Cape Gooseberries, and Apricots too

The situation is still pretty hard in Christchurch after the earthquake, a few of our friends had to live their home and they are moving to family and friends' places all over the country. Other friends are flying down to be of support, and my in-laws call themselves lucky as they are among the few who have water (but not electricity, fortunately they managed to go to my uncle for a hot shower).

Sadly the chances of finding more survivors are really thin now.

We will make a donation to the Red Cross and open our home to those who need it, at present it seems like the best thing to do. I also would like other NZ bloggers to know that Christchurch blogger Sue of Couscous and Consciousness is Ok, but was evacuated from her flat when the earthquake struck, with only the clothes she was in and her phone. Her cousin drove two and half hours from Waimate to pick her up and take her back her place. Bron Marshall is also OK, I got a message on FB.

Still not into posting complex recipes, but feel like I need to keep posting, somehow...

Chocolate coated cape gooseberries, and apricots

For the cape gooseberries I got the idea from my Italian blogger friends, surprised that I can grow them in my garden. Apparently in Europe they are really expensive, and you only buy them to decorate important cakes, and to coat them with chocolate.

Usually I coat dried apricots with chocolate, my kids love them, especially the boy: he wants them for his birthday party! Sometimes when I make chocolate apricots I also roll some in shredded coconut, and then use the left over coconut to clean up the chocolate bowl, making little coconut chocolates.

It is all very easy, and in no time I have a tray full of sweet treats!

For the cape gooseberries I pulled back the outer "lanterns" that cover the berries and held them in place with a paper clip, so that they didn't get into the chocolate.

And for chocolate I used Whittaker's Dark Ghana
(my little boy prefers really dark chocolate!)

Photos and Recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©


  1. Hey, keep blogging girlfriend!! It's a great way to keep some normality during this awful time. And it gives us, your blogging friends, the opportunity to let you know you're not forgotten.

    Thinking of you all over there right now, and sending positive energy to you.

  2. che squisitezza questi dolcini! molto originali e fantasiosi! ne prendo uno :-D

  3. belli e sicuramente buoni...non ho capito nulla della spiegazione ma mi accontento di guardare...baciotti

  4. Mamma mia Ale..ho visto immagini tremende al TG stamattina su Christchurch.. speriamo la situazione si normalizzi presto..
    Riguardo a queste delizie...standing ovation e...I totally agree with your boy:extra dark chocolate foreveeeeeeeeeeeeer!

  5. coraggio, la vita riprende dalle piccole cose ......
    io credo di far un po' di confusione dato che questi li chiamo alchechengi, mentre l'uva spina è una bacca ogni caso li apprezzo comunque così presentati, ciauzzzzz

  6. OH! WOW!
    non aggiungo altro!
    baci, have a nice week end!

  7. Love chocolate coated cape gooseberries and apricots. They are awesome.

  8. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with those families.

    Your apricots look amazing..and those sweet little gooseberries...delightful. HUgs.

  9. Ti ho letto con apprensione, e ti mando un forte abbraccio!

  10. Mi dispiace moltissimo per quello che è successo, Ale. Ti sono vicina.

  11. Bellissimi questi dolcettini....
    Mi spiace tanto per il terremoto e per i disagi che stà causando a tutti voi.......spero davvero che presto la situzione migliori.

  12. glad you are ok, sounds like the community is coming together.

  13. Nice post Alessandra and glad to hear all your friends and family are safe. Chat soon, Alli

  14. Thank you all for your comments, it is lovely to get up in the morning, open the blog, and read you.

    Grazie per i commenti, e' bello trovarli la mattina, mi fa sorridere davvero.

    I miei suoceri non si vogliono muovere, come potete immaginare la cosa ci sta stressando, anche perche' la terra continua a tremare. D'altra parte c'e' gente che ha piu' bisogno di loro, lunedi' stara' da noi un'amichetta di mia figlia, la madre va giu' a prendere i compagno che si era appena trasferito li'.
    Per fortuna non l'avevano ancora seguito, e per fortuna lui e la sua famiglia stanno bene.

  15. Love your sweet treats! Your youngster with a fondness for really dark chocolate has great taste :)

    Wanted to know I am thinking of you and your friends. Take care, and be well.


  16. It is good of you to let us know about other bloggers in the are of the quake. It is good to know that all of you are well. Take care. Blessings...Mary

  17. I don't think i have ever tried gooseberry! They look so pretty

  18. The cape gooseberries are so pretty. I remember we had a bush on our farm but I didn't like them as a child. And I've never tried them as an adult.

  19. @ Astrofiammante,

    in risposta alla tua domanda, quelli del mio post sono gli alchechengi, ma dev'essere stato il traduttore google a chiamarli uva spina di cape!

  20. awwwwww !!
    these are so pretty & SOO cute!


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