
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Roasted Leek and Potato and Other Soups, with iPhone Camera+

A few weeks ago my little boy started wearing dental plates, and since it is still hard for him to chew I have been making lots of creamy soups. Soups are nice, and quick, but not necessarily photogenic. To make it more fun I have been using the Camera+ iPhone application that Arfi showed me.

Roasted leek and Potato Soup with Leek Broth

Generally I sauté the potatoes and leeks in the pot to make this soup, but I wanted to try something different. So I cut the potatoes (Agria) and leek in big chunks, placed them in a roasting dish lined with baking paper, added olive oil and salt and roasted everything for about 30 minutes. I didn't want the potatoes to become brown, just lightly roasted on the outside, and soaking up the flavour from the leeks.

I washed the green leaves from the leek (the ones that are too hard to be eaten) and place them in a pot of water with some rock salt. I cooked the leaves until I got a fragrant and light leek broth. I removed the leaves and added the content form the roasting pan, oil included. I cooked everything for other 30 minutes, then blended the soup with an immersion blender.

The iPhone photos are so bright, not something I would use all the time, and not really suited to printed photos, but certainly fun for blogs, and soups!

Another good soup combo: Pumpkin and smoked garlic.
Here I just cooked some pumpkin (add a carrot for a brighter orange color) in vegetable stock, and before blending I added a couple of cloves of smoked garlic. More garlic salt and spices can be drizzled directly on the plate.

And then broccolini (from my garden), and potato soup.
Simmer the veggies in vegetable stock, blend and drizzle with
extra virgin olive oil.

These soups are vegan, inexpensive, easy to make, gluten free, and healthy, so I am taking the chance to contribute to this great initiative, promoted by Oggi Pane e Salame, Domani..., to create awareness about Endometriosis.

Grazie Sonia!

Photos and Recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©


  1. These are indeed really healthy soups, roasting the potatoes and leeks seems like a great idea! It is fantastic that you are using your own homegrown broccolini. I have yet to be successful in growing any!

  2. My brassica usually do well, if I can keep the bugs away! It must be the soil :-).

  3. I just love all soups!
    E invidio molto il tuo giardino ;-)

  4. adoro le zuppe e ne faccio di tutti i tipi!! patate e porri poi in questo periodo in cui si trovano ottimi porri freschi, è un toccasana. con uno sbriciolo di zenzero :))
    e quoto Arabafelice per il tuo giardino ^^

  5. This is a wonderful idea. I have everything, so on Monday I will definitely cook this. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a nice week.

  6. A very healthy and hearty soup. Love it!

  7. Ciao Ale, ho inserito tutte e tre le tue zuppe ;) grazie di cuore!
    Buona giornata
    PS: fammi sapere come è andata la visita!

  8. Your soups all look delicious. Roasting vegetables adds such an interesting flavor to soup and you have created wonderful color in those bowls. As to the brownies - they are "made" Irish only because of the green layer that tops the chocolate. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary.

  9. Ti faro' sapere Sonia, a dire il vero sono un po' pessimista, e' la quarta notte di seguito che sono sveglia invece di dormire, l'unica cosa positiva e' che ho scoperto che il portatile puo' essere un perfetto sostituto alla borsa dell'acqua calda!

  10. Preferisco sicuramente le verdure e i legumi alla carme per cui tutte le tue preparazioni mi sono sempre utili come ispirazione!!

  11. la zuppa con verdure arrosto mi è nuova, sarà sicuramente saporita, hai un giardino prolifico ;-)

  12. You have lot of good collection of soups. new iphone camera takes good photos.

  13. Ah, poor wee Max! Hope he gets used to it soon and meanwhile glad his lovely mum is looking after him ^_^

  14. Thank you Sasa, you are very sweet. He used to be a slow eater before... now he is even slower! I am blending his weet-bix these days, so that he can drink his breakfast!

    How is your family in Sendai?

  15. I love your recipes! I love this blog! Thanks for letting me know you!

  16. very nice your photos with iphone !
    and your soup of course !!!

  17. avevo già avuto modo di guardare virtualmente con concupiscenza il tuo orto, queste minestre non fano che peggiorare la situazione :-)

    in bocca al lupo all'apparecchiato (ho capito bene, vero?)

  18. Si si Gaia, hai capito bene, ha l'apparecchio, quello che si mette sotto al palato.

    Per fortuna le minestre gli son sempre piaciute, ma da non crederci mangia pure quelle lentamente, tanto che il suo soprannome a tavola e' masticabrodo!

  19. Those soups look so hearty.Loved them

  20. Stiamo progettando di fare un'orto! Non vedo l'ora di fare delle zuppe buone come la tua!! :)

  21. Pensa che proprio eiri sera ho fatto una zuppa di porri e cipollotti stufati!me l'a insegnat la mia mamma a stufare e poi far cuocere, così è molto più saporita!

  22. Io sarò sempre la solita ripetitiva, ma che foto meravigliose! I passati di verdura li adoro, non hanno stagione. Un abbraccio, buona settimana.

  23. I love the classic mix of potatoes and leeks for soup. And, roasting adds so much flavor. Looks great!

  24. Yum....homemade soups are the best...just finished the last of my homemade chicken noodle...the best I have ever made. I just may have to try yours.

    Thank you so much for all your sweet comments you leave me...what a blessing you are. xoxoxox

  25. Io adoro le persone attente come te!!!

  26. Ciao Alessandra belle e buone le tue zuppe, poi con gli ortaggi del tuo giardino avranno un gusto speciale!!!

  27. I love all of these soups, Alessandra, and I especially love how they are vegan and inexpensive. Your photos look great, too, with your new app.

  28. We indeed will go for soups soon! I love soup. Easy to make and delicious too. Thanks for the mention ;)

  29. Thank you Arfi!!!! Check the next lot out!

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