
Monday, October 24, 2011

Flowers from my garden: colour and inspiration

Just a little break from sugar flowers to show you the real flowers that are blooming in my garden right now, and my font of inspiration for many more sugar flowers to come.

Photos  by Alessandra Zecchini ©


  1. Che bei fiori Alessandra....poi io ho un pollice veramente nero......ora sto provando con le piante grasse...vediamo se uccido anche quelle!!!

  2. Uh, per me le piante grasse sono difficili invece! Ma qui e' troppo umido :-)

  3. Alessandra ma che belli questi fiori!!!!! così colorati sono davvero una fonte di ispirazione! buona settimana

  4. Oh che piacere vedere un pò di colore....qui nebbia nebbia ed ancora nebbia...uff

  5. Se non avessi qualcuno a curare il giardino probabilmente resisterebbe solo il cactus!
    Complimenti per il pollice verde, anzi verdissimo ;-)

  6. Mentre qui tuttio si spegne, lì la natura prende vita, che bello!Grazie per questi fiori bellissimi, bacii

  7. meravigliose immagini! complimenti davvero :)

  8. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing and brightening our Monday morning.

  9. My 'style' of gardening is not what most people here would consider 'gardening': basically it is keeping the flowers at the edges of the bush that surrounds the house, and clearing the rest of the bush from noxious weeds: no lawn, no pretty edges, nothing remotely 'English" about it, more like "untouched tropical jungle' in fact. So it looks like I never work in it, but it takes a long time making it look like this. The best thing is that the weather, warm and wet, means that you don't need a green thumb to grow things :-).

  10. I love your flowers, Alessandra - is that a gardenia I spy?

  11. White and red Camelias, fuschia and light pink rhododendrons, orange Clivia e white azalea... I had a gardenia but the bush took over... I need to clean a few weeds to see if it is still alive somewhere! I love gardenias' fragrance!

  12. Love your flowers. It all has a perfect bloom. I suppose its pretty nice to hang out on your garden with all that flowers around you.


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