
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Afternoon treats in a Northern Italian Patisserie

Photo by Alessandra Zecchini ©

Taken and edited with an iPhone for Black and White Wednesday, organized by Susan of The Well-Seasoned Cook. Actually, this has been over-edited... I like to see my pastries and mini cakes all nice and colourful and inviting, so what to do with Black and White for those lovely raspberries, luscious chocolate, creamy ricotta cake and brilliant meringues??? Maybe make them look like they have been draw with a pencil?? Or photographed a long time ago, with a daguerreotype!

I am putting the Wikipedia link above, bud did you know that today it is on 'Strike'?
Have a look!!!


  1. Oh si vecchi dolcetti e così nei toni del grigio meno golosi di come sarebbero in realtà, così li bramo ma non troppo! Baci

  2. They look delicious mmmmmm Diane

  3. i dolcetti in bianco e nero aprono le porte delle fantasia...
    sapevo di wikipedia...ecco una nuova lotta!
    un bacione

    1. uso Wiki tantissimo, non sempre precisa, ma a portata di mano!

  4. I think I am with you on pastries in full technicolour! Hope you enjoyed....

  5. wow that's odd when i was reading the last bit of your post (Wiki is on strike) i heard the exact same thing on the radio! anyway the look and sound delicious!

  6. noto spesso degli errori in Wiki per cui non mi fido moltissimo, salvo che per le cose semplici e per le notizie al volo, ma appena posso preferisco cercare altrove.

    i dolcetti....sono bellissimi, è bellissima la foto, ma anche io li preferisco a colori ^^

  7. Si molti errori, ma anche nelle enciclopedie cartacee, con la differenza che wiki si puo' screditare subito, le altre... ci vuole troppo tempo!

    E poi Wiki ce la stiamo facendo noi :-), io personalmente di errori chissa' quanti ne faccio, meglio che mi correggano subito!

  8. Reminds me of Cafe della Spechi ??? in Trieste, Dads home town, it was so old style, romantic and like something out of a black and white movie...

    1. Just left Trieste yesterday, will post about it soon too :-).

  9. So different looking at things in black & white!
    Those still look very delicious though :)

    Yes there were a few sites that were "blacked out" like Wiki for a day... interesting things going on in the internet world!

    Have a great day - mel

  10. Charming little treats, no matter the color and treatment. Thanks, Alessandra, for your BWW photo!


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