
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Miniature cupcakes and sugar flowers, and a sugar craft workshop for children

I make all types of cupcakes, but I have to say that I prefer the smallest ones. In fact some of my cupcakes are becoming smaller and smaller, and so are the sugar roses and flowers which go on top of them! Here are some details with my fingers, to show you the sizes. And yes, I like miniatures!

I still make big ones though, and I just made 24 large and 36 small cupcakes for yesterday becasue Arantxa and I went to this:

It was a long day teaching children how to make sugar roses, and we even got a couple of volunteers from Waitakere College to help: first they set up the table with us, then we thought them how to make the roses (they are art students, they learned fast!!) and then the children started to arrive and I got too busy to take photos! All I can say is that I took with me 60 cupcakes (big and small) and about 5 kg of fondant and finished it all! We made hundreds of flowers and the table was constantly busy with little fingers working. A quick estimate would be that each rose is about 20g (maybe 10g for the actual rose, and 10g got dropped, eaten or 'lost' in the process) so count our roses!!!  Well, hopefully someone took some good photos of when we were surrounded by kids, all I can say is that after that we spent Sunday really relaxing!!! Thank you to the Corban Estate Art Centre,  all the volunteers, and all the attendees at the festival!!

Last thing to show you: since I had some chocolate fondant left over, I mixed it with a little almond and a little strawberry fondant and roll it out (it looks like a precious wood veneer!) then cut it with a hearth biscuit cutter, added a stick in the centre and secured two hearts with a little raspberry royal icing (another left-over). Very sweet, but pretty to look at. I will work on this 'veneer' pattern though, I loved it!!

 Photos and Recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©


  1. Troppo carini!! Eh sì son d'accordo anche io preferisco quelli piccoli, solo che io non ho lo beh, provvederò.. intanto mi gusto i tuoi: favolosi! (

  2. Ciao Alessandra,
    ieri ho fatto la mia prima esperienza in Brigata, è stata fantastica e guarda caso per dolce abbiamo servito proprio dei minicupcake! Ovviamente vegani, e ricoperti di marmellata e scaglie di cocco.
    Devo dire che anche io li preferisco di molto a quelli più grandi, non so, mi sembrano più belli, più eleganti e più misurati :)

    I cuori su stecco che hai confezionato sono veramente belli, bisogna dire che hai sempre idee meravigliose complimenti veramente!

    1. Misurati e' un aggettivo che mi piace proprio, grazie Barbara, a volte quelli 'normali' mi sembrano troppo grandi se hanno glassa o ganache sopra, invece piccolini... carini ma anche 'giusti'!

  3. Ciao Alessandra. Ti ho scoperto su "Very Good Recipes" e sono rimasta piacevolmente colpita dal tuo blog.
    Mi "appiccico" e ti seguo!

  4. Ma che bella esperienza!!!
    E i cupcakes sono una delizia, sembrano delle miniature.

  5. They are so pretty I wish I had the patience to make things like that. Diane

  6. I started big, but once you get used to then you start to make roses and flowers smaller and smaller, I think that it is a natural progression, you don't even think about it, and patience grows with that too, to the point that it doesn't seem much like an effort :-).

  7. Ciao Alessandra!!!appena ho visto il tuo blog sono impazzita...per prima cosa è fantastico e poi sei esattamente dove vorrei essere io e dove sto pensando seriamente di trasferirmi! Ti trovi bene mi potessi dare qualche consiglio mi faresti un grande favore :)

    1. Chiedi pure! Ci sono abituata, ricevo una richiesta d'informazioni alla settimana da gente che si vuole trasferire!

    2. davvero?siamo così tanti???non voglio disturbarti con richieste troppo complicate, se conosci qualche sito utile che spiega un pò com'è la vita lì e come si può fare per trasferirsi...magari anche degli indirizzi di blog come il tuo per capire come funziona lì il lavoro di food blogger.
      Grazie davvero :)

  8. I love the detailed shape of the flowers on top of the cupcakes. Making it more enticingly delicious. I'll probably not eat it right away, will let my eyes enjoy looking at it first. =)

  9. Some people thought that the cupcakes were fakes, they kept asking if they were real, and they said that they didn't have the courage to eat them (not the kids though! they would just ask 'can I eat this?' and then put them in their mouth even before I finished saying yes!)

  10. I love those cupcakes!! they are so delicate.Congratulations.

  11. I like the smaller sized cupcakes as well Alessandra! Some of the normal or big sized ones can be a bit too much - sugar overload with too much sweet cake and sugary sweet icing. These wee ones you've made look so pretty - almost too pretty to eat! :-)

    1. Yes, much better small, I get tired with big portions, I prefer small bites!

  12. che meraviglia così piccini, sembrano i dolcetti di Barbie...Un abbraccio....

  13. E' vero sanno un po' da casa delle bambole :-)

  14. Sono meravigliosi questi mini cupcakes. Sono dolcissimi :)


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