
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Breakfast with a kokako, and mustaches

Isn't it nice when goody bags last a long time? The 2 (yes 2) goody bags I got from the NZ Food Bloggers Conference where so full of goodies that I am still using some, and for some of us who had to travel back to Auckland with extra luggage Andrea offered to bring up the Kokako gifts. I knew that it was some organic hot chocolate but then when I found out that it came with a mug with mustaches I immediately told Arantxa, and she was so excited!! She loves those quirky mustaches! I said that I would give the cup to her. And Andrea mailed it over to me (we are all so busy in Auckland!!!) and guess what, it arrived on Max's birthday, a perfect day, as he was busy opening all his mail and presents  and it was great that there was something for Arantxa as well. Thank you Kokako and Andrea. And of course the organic hot chocolate is delicious, this was breakfast on Sunday, I had some too, and maybe I will have to get a mustache cup for myself as well!

Do you also like these mustaches?

Photo by Alessandra Zecchini ©


  1. che simpatica questa colazione :)

  2. That looks a very continental breakfast with croissants. The moustache reminds me of a child drinking something with a fluffy topping LOL. Take care Diane

    1. On the weekend we manage a continental breakfast, during the week is usually cereals yogurt and fruit, and toasts.

  3. Ma è simpaticissima quella tazza!!! io ne ho una marea diverse, amo combinarle nelle colazioni del week end. in settimana si corre davvero troppo!

    ps. la torta (nel mio caso le mini tortine) sono state un successo, mia suocera non finiva di elogiarle!!!

  4. hi Ale, thank you sooo much for visiting! già l'altro giorno venni qui tramite blog amica che aveva proposta una tua ricetta.
    mi inchino a te e al tuo grandissimo talento.
    non posso imparare da blogger come voi.

    1. Grazie Vaty, mi è piaciuto visitare il tuo blog, e grazie anche a Chiara per avermelo segnalato. E sono anche contenta che tu mi abbia trovata tramite un'altra blogger (era Artu per caso??) Infatti penso che sia bello scoprire nuovi blog grazie ad amici blogger, il passaparola e' la guida migliore :-).

      Ciao e buon fine settimana

  5. è troppo bella la tazza con i baffi :)

  6. la tazza è bella e anche i cornetti...baci

  7. Davvero un blog meraviglioso, pieno di ricette gustose e sane! I miei complimenti, ti seguirò anche io con molto, molto piacere! E complimenti per questi cornetti veramente divini :) Un abbraccio!

  8. I so much want one of this, its so cute! Beside wanted to add that you made me say Kokako out loud for few times :)) sounds even cuter.
    Glad you had fun,
    and glad to see you still posting and inspiring
    Sending you Best Wishes
    Little Housewife

    1. Yes kokako is a lovely name, it is a Nw Zealand bird.

  9. la giornata così inizia sicuramente meglio, buon WE, un abbraccio SILVIA

  10. Oh, those croissants look fabulous. Makes me want to go on a gluten binge!

  11. The croissant are from Paneton, I bought them frozen and baked them in the morning for breakfast, a real treat!

  12. infatti mi stavo chiedendo se i croissant li avessi fatti tu, hai già risposto.
    buonissima colazione :)


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