
Friday, November 30, 2012

Quinoa and cauliflower pie, gluten free

I got the idea from this Italian blog and although I changed almost everything in it, I kept the main ingredients: cauliflower and quinoa. I liked this idea because A: I really wanted to do something else with quinoa that didn't involve a salad or a risotto-type-of-dish, and B: I had cauliflower.


1 cup quinoa
1 small cauliflower
200 g feta cheese
2 free range eggs
Half tsp cumin seeds
salt and pepper to taste
olive oil

Wash the quinoa, then place in a good pot with 2 cups of water. I also decided to cook the cauliflower at the same time (save gas, flavour and nutrients). Cut and wash the cauliflower florets and place over the quinoa. Simmer for 20 minutes. turn the heat of and let it rest for 15. Cube the feta and add to the quinoa and cauliflower, mixing very well. Add the eggs and mix well. With a mortar and pestle lightly crush the cumin seeds and add to the mixture. Adjust with salt and pepper. Brush a terracotta or other oven dish with olive oil, them pour the mixture in, patting it down well. Level the top and drizzle with more olive oil. Bake at 180°C for 30 minutes. Let it cool down lightly before serving, so that it will cut well. 

Even better the day after, re-heated.

Photos and Recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©


  1. Ho giusto della Quinoa nel cassettone! E questo trovo sia un modo divino di gustarla! Grazie cara e complimenti!! :D Un abbraccio!

  2. Ti piacerà di sicuro, fammi sapere!

  3. Hi Alessandra, this looks like a very yummy side dish! Am going to try this out soon. Thanks for sharing.

  4. :-) hehehe actually to me this is a main that I had with potatoes and vegetables on the side...

  5. Un'idea gustosa e sicuramente d'effetto soprattutto per chi non conosce ancora la quinoa :-) Bacioni!

  6. Chiarina, spero che la faccina sia positiva (??) ;)

  7. Questo kugel ha incuriosito tutti!!, io già amo la quinoa e i cavolfiori, separatamente, ho già tutti gli ingredienti e lo farò questo fine settimana!

    1. Comunque questo io non lo chiamerei kugel, magari gattò come dice Saretta....

  8. Un aspecie di Gattò supernutriente e sano :)
    Very good idea!Un bacione e buon we cara!

    1. Mi sa che hai trovato il nome giusto, gattò!
      Super nutriente davvero!

  9. Nice idea! A sort of cross between cauliflower cake from ottolenghi and a traditional sformato without the bother of doing a bechamel - definitely one for the list when you can't take another salad...

    1. Yes, and 1000 times better that cauliflower cheese!!, I'll follow your link for the Ottolenghi cake, I am curious now.

    2. Definitely worth a try I'd say - Ottolenghi is who I turn to for ideas when I'm sufficiently desperate to consider cauliflower cheese!

  10. I love cauliflower and this is one of the best quinoa recipes I've seen, Alessandra! Looks so delicious!!!

    1. I think that you would like this one Nami, and yes, the best use of quinoa (out of a salad0 I have tried so far ;-),

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. I love this quinoa and cauliflower pie look delicious!!

  13. Appreciate thе recommendation. Will trу
    it οut.
    My weblog ;

  14. bell'idea. senza glutine e mi piace l'idea di un altro uso della quinoa, che sinceramente per le insalate non amo tantissimo.
    però mi sa che devo aspettare i consueti quattro o cinque mesi, per la verdura di stagione...


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