
Saturday, March 16, 2013

The best meringues ever (yes ever!) and the Italian Quiz Night at the Dante Auckland

Passion Fruit Meringues

I like making meringues more than I like eating them. I mean, they are nice and all, but I am not crazy about them. Or at least, I wasn't until the other day, when I had 3 egg whites in the fridge that needed to be used and I decided to make meringues with them. I used caster sugar, and didn't measure (I tend to go by ear, it mostly works...) and decided to try to add a passion fruit too, pulp and seeds. I whisked everything with the kitchen aid, and adjusted with more sugar to compensate for the extra moisture that went into the mixture. Well, I have to say that I was impressed: the best tasting meringues ever for me, I don't know if I can ever have normal meringues again now, these were just so 'tropical' and fragrant!

As a final note: last night we had our Italian Dante Quiz, it was so much fun, and also great to see how much Kiwis know about Italy! If you like click here to see some photos. And of course, thank you to all the participants, and congratulations to the winning teams: I Diavoli Vecchi (first), I Padrini (second) and I Gattini (third)!

Photos and Recipes by Alessandra Zecchini  ©


  1. Con il frutto della passione però devono essere davvero eccezionali, amica mia!! Complimenti di cuore, a me non riescono mai, nemmeno se prego :)) Un felicissimo week end, l'esperienza Dantesca deve essere stata divertente un sacco :D

    1. Sicuramente il sapore e profumo del frutto della passione migliorano molti dolci, ma per le meringhe non penso di aver assaggiato una combinazione migliore :-).

  2. Love those merengues Añessandra!!
    Oh Alessandra is wonderful you come to Chile, I adore Valparaiso is the most beauty city to me is a port you know, I put you here a link you can see the how is, The place you can see anyway is Pablo neruda house, is a nobel poet and lives in Valparaiso, he always has amazing house and a collector, was a gourmet too LOL
    You come now in March?

    I will send you my mail to give you my phones if you can call me when you will be here.
    the link

    In Valparaiso and Viña del Mar are wonderful restaurants but I know you are veggie (there are a lot of seafood restaurant) but is you come to Santiago you have to go to QUINOA restaurant is a veggie restaurant and is from a chilean blogger who lived many times in Spain.
    I will send you my phones.

    My mail is if you want mail me.

    1. Very excited, and i love Pablo Neruda! Also I saw that there are so many museum in Valparaiso! I'll check you blog now! Very curious about Quinoa Restaurant, the first day in Chile we are staying only in a hotel at the airport because my husband has to work, then Valparaiso, then the last day in Santiago we will stay at the Panamericano, in the centre, I'll check if the restaurant is nearby!

      Thank you for all the advice!

    2. Alessandra I saw the Panamericano hotel is awesome and so good is in the center (town) if you like we can meet us in the Panamericano and go to some part is you like , I live in the countryside but for me is easy go in metro (subway) to the center (downton) , Quinoa is so far to go but in the center are amazing sites. Mail me.

  3. io adoro le meringhe!
    devono essere squisite con il frutto della non erano troppo liquide?
    io per un certo periodo non facevo che pavlove! :))

  4. Ciao Nadia, hi docuto aggiungere più zucchero per compensare il fatto che avevo aggiunto la polpa del frutto, magari la prossima volta aggiungo un po' di amido di mais, comunque erano croccanti fuori e morbide dentro, perfette!

  5. The meringues look delicious and the evening sounds like it was great fun. It was a great way to get people together. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

  6. Nice idea Alessandra. I'm not a big meringue fan unless they have that chewy bit in the middle.

  7. Bello il tuo blog ! nuova iscritta ! Ti va di venirmi a trovare !! Ti aspetto!!


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