
Monday, July 8, 2013

Mini upside down cakes with rose buds and rose water syrup

For the sponge use the same recipe I published yesterday (click here), but pour the batter in greased muffin/cupcake tin. Once the mini cakes are ready tip them over and prepare a syrup with a little water (about 50 ml),
a little sugar (2 tbsp), and 1 tbsp of rose water (available in many
Middle Eastern and Asian shops, or deli shops). This dose is good for about 4-6 mini cakes. Pour slowly over the cakes and decorate with rose buds or rose petals

Fresh rose buds and petals are better, but in winter you can use edible dried rose buds. These are from a pack of Chinese Rose Tea, available in Chinese and Asian shops.

Photos and Recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©


  1. I have those same types of rose buds! They're great for styling as some of them are so perfect and pretty!

  2. Carinissimi!
    Un abbraccio
    Alla prossima

  3. These minis look beautiful Alessandra!!

  4. Hi Alessandra, I live in N Italy and have been following you for a while. Just to let you know I tried to share this on F/B and got this after posting "Facebook thinks this site may be unsafe. If you're not familiar with it, please provide feedback by marking it as spam (you'll be brought back to Facebook)" so I deleted it. I tried to send an email but that doesn't work either. Scusa non voglio darti fastidio ma io sarei contenta se qualcuno mi diceva se qualcosa non andava...... ciao

  5. Ciao, thank you for the feedback, I think that most links not directly connected to FB will come up with that message, I did the same with other links (perfectly safe google blogs links) and the message was the same. It even comes up with my own link when I post them :-). I click not spam and continue, but I appreciate that it is not a good look! Well, my content is safe (safe vegetarian recipes!), about google and blogger... if they are not safe there is nothing I can do about it.

    Grazie e ciao

    1. It was this one. After your comment on my post i tried to share the spicy chickpea one on FB and got the same message. I often share links and it's the first time it's happened. I think it may block readers as I just close anything with spam written on it (usually it happens at pinterest). Sorry I can't be more helpful

    2. Yes it is a pity, but since I don't make money from blogging at the end of the day the number of visitors is irrelevant. Still, it feels unfair to be considered a unsafe by FB, those misleading ads that they have on their sidebar are unsafe, not me :-) hahaha!

      Thank you anyway for wanting to share my recipes, I am touched, in any case, I hope that you know that you can always copy them (photo and all) on your blog as long as you ask me first and put the link. My mission is to spread a more sustainable way of eating and recipes should be shared. As long as you consider my site safe to share with your readers, of course :-)

  6. I've seen rose water in ingredients for a lot of recipes but I actually never seen one in store (or looked for one). Thanks for the label of the bottle so I can see what's like. I should get one. I've been curios to try and taste rose water for the past 2 years! It's about time. Your updside down cakes look so cute!

    1. You should try to make mochi with rose water Nami!

  7. These are so lovely, Alessandra, and I bet they taste as good as they look!

    1. Yes, soft and delicate, with a nice 'perfume'!

  8. What gorgeous little pretty. What a good idea to use rose tea in winter - thanks for sharing the tip!

  9. The idea of putting fresh roses is sweet and romantic. Flowers are widely used adornment of environment. The latest is it makes cake delightful and perfect designs for other dishes and desserts. Upside-down cake with rose buds is perfect for romantic dates with loved ones. I will try your recipes here. Thank you for sharing them all.


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