
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Garden in McCahon House Museum, French Bay, Titirangi

French Bay has the closest beach to my house, small and cute, with a yacht club, plenty of bush, and the house of one of NZ most famous artist: Colin McCahon. It is a House Museum, so you can visit it, and if you are an artist you may even be able to stay there: go here for more info.

French Bay

I love the mix of bush and flowers, the smell of Titirangi.

Photos by Alessandra Zecchini©


  1. che bello vivere vicino al mare...rimane sempre un sogno per me :D

  2. Mare e bosco, e montagna. Mi piace tutto! :-)

  3. wow!! non immaginavo ci fossero rododendri in new zealand!!

  4. Moltissimi, portati da appassionati botanici (spesso clandestinamente). Ne ho un paio anch'io, ed uno è grande come un albero.

  5. Pretty photos! Love the flowers & the mysterious red door!


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