
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Persimmon agar agar

This dessert is perfect after a Japanese meal, maybe not a traditional Japanese dish (I invented it, after all, like most of the recipes in this blog) but it taste great and and it is made with only two ingredients: persimmons and agar agar (and a little water). So it is sugar free, gluten free and vegan! All you need to do is peel two persimmons and cube them. Put the fruit in a blender with a just enough water to be able to blend it. Mix half tsp of agar agar powder with 50 ml of water and add to the persimmon 'smoothie'. Put everything in a small pot and bring to the boil. Simmer for just one minute then pour into a mould (rectangular is better). Let it cool down and cut into slices.

And if you love Japanese things remember that this contest ends in two days, you could win a beautiful Kimono Tango Bag!

Photos and Recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©


  1. I love persimmon Alexandra!
    Look delicious!

  2. non ho mai usato l'agar agar,mi incuriosisce...Buona settimana

    1. Meglio della gelatina, almeno per i vegetariani!

  3. Ciao Ale,
    come va?
    Questa ricetta sembra deliziosa.
    Un abbraccio

    1. Ciao Manu, tutto bene qui, ma poco tempo per 'bloggare'!

  4. Aleeeeee eccomi da teeee <3 Come sempre resto affascinata da ciò che ci proponi e questo dolcino deve essere stupendo, è proprio elegante anche a vedersi, come tutto ciò che è Giapponese :) Un abbraccio!


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