
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lego Venice

The day we went to Venice it was raining so hard that I could not take good photos, and we spent most of the time in museums. Anyway, I have already written a guide to Venice here,
so no need for a new post except... well, call me proud mum, but I loved the fact that my kids got home and started making a Venice out of lego.

Here the gondola going through the Grand Canal, weeeeeee!

Did you know that Venice has been built on 118 small islands connected by 354 bridges? The things you learn when you have kids!

and to finish Max did an installation for the Venice Biennale :-)

Photos by Alessandra Zecchini ©


  1. Dear Alessandra
    Wonderful blog...I was wondering why I did not come here before.
    There are so many articles to read, the lake, Bergamo. This year I was in Bergamo during Carnival.
    I am following you
    Have a nice day

  2. I did not know that about the bridges ^_^ Well done A and M, awesome.

  3. I did not know that about the bridges ^_^ Well done A and M, awesome.

  4. Ushnish, welcome! Good to read about Italy from your prospective :-)


  5. There is a legoland somewhere in England and my brothers take their chidlren there. Even got their own Lego passport.

  6. Yes, there is one on the road to Oxford, my kids went with their cousin in June and love it!

  7. Alessandra, great series of posts about writing a cookbook. I really admire anybody's dedication in putting one of those together.

    I also love this "lego" Venice - very clever.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and your lovely comment.

    Sue :-)


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