
Tuesday, October 5, 2010


What I like most about Milano is that it is full of hidden art. Of course there are the usual landmarks, not as many as in other Italian cities, but still landmarks, full of tourists.

Yet, for example, not far from the Duomo there is the impressive Villa Reale, which host the Museum of Modern Art, it is free and... empty! No tourists go there, they all look at the Duomo/Galleria/Last Supper, a few go as far as the Castle...

I highly recommend this place, The palace itself is beauriful, with lovely gardens, and there are some amazing paintings inside, like this Van Gogh Les bretonnes et le pardon de pont Aven, 1888-1890 ca. The last painting in the gallery is one of my favourite, which I didn't feel like photographing... it felt kind of wrong, don't know if you can understand what I mean, sometimes it happens when I am looking at something I really feel for. Anyway, it is here.

And if you look closely you find Art everywhere in Milan, and not just 'design', also alternative, pulsating, live art, like street art.

I find the one below very funny...

And of course I have to finish with a visit to the studio of painter Marco Teatro :-) One of the things I will miss most from Italy will be Art, Art with the capital A, and Art everywhere.

Photos by Alessandra Zecchini ©


  1. Ciao!! :):) Grazie!! I invite you to follow my blog, I am following yours!

  2. The image of the guy with the $ symbol is great!

  3. Hi Alessandra! I've been to Milan a coupe of times and I loved it, we even got some cops to pose with us ;P Are you back home yet? Hope your book is going well, perhaps you're finished?

  4. The book is still in the making Sasa, in fact I am busy with it right now and I don't even have the time to continue with my posts about it!!! I will get back to it soon, I hope :-)

  5. I love the images you've chosen to share with us. I visited the one you were uncomfortable photographing. It is very powerful and I do remeber it from the movie. I hope all is well. Blessings...Mary

  6. You are right Mary, it is very powerful. Doubly for me as it was one of my father favourite paintings, like 900 was one of his favourite movies.

  7. Is the street art of the man with heart and dollar sign by the British artist Banksy?

  8. What a lovely little tour of Milano and its abundant art, Alessandra. Gorgeous works and impressive street art, too. I like what you said about "Il Quarto Stato" - that is a very powerful piece and I can understand why you did not take a photo of it. Your internal impression will last a lifetime, though.

    Also loved your children's Lego take on Venice - very creative!

  9. Great pics of Milan, you really captured the city... And thanks for the hint, I didn't know that museum, I will go there for sure!

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