
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Advent Calendar

So many bloggers have started posting Christmas recipes, decorations and ideas. I love it! I am not one for bright neon lights, never ending Xmas tunes, and plastic Santas, but I like all the rest :-)! So I will try to post a little thing every day... (brrr, now I said it... everyday!!!), and since it is December 1st I will start with this:

The first decoration that I put up ever year is the Advent Calendar that my mother in law made for us 11 years ago. She is a very talented sawer (and knitter and quilt maker) and this is all made by hand.

The kids love it, every day they pick a figurine from the pocket with the date number and they put it up on the tree, in turn. Sometimes I get a turn!
Look at the details!!!

Photos by Alessandra Zecchini ©


  1. This is really awesome! I can't believe you make it by hand. It's just great! And, I'm happy that my comment is the first.

  2. Gorgeous! I made a string of 24 little cream and gold numbered socks for my eldest's first Christmas 10 years ago. Homemade advent calendars are the best!
    Happy December Alessandra xox

  3. Bellissimo davvero questo albero calendario dell'avvento complimenti!!!!

  4. Thank you all! Sweet Show Flakes, I wish I made it, but it was my mother in law's work :-), I am just the happy recipient!

  5. molto originale questo tuo calendario, un bel lavoro lo conservo per il prossimo anno

  6. Hay ma che meravigliaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

  7. ma che bello! noi quest'anno niente... abbiamo avuto giornatacce per via dell'incidente e dunque tante cose son saltate... e va beh! :-)

  8. ciao cara, anch'io adoro il calendario dell'avvento è una bellissima tradizione ^__^
    Il tuo è bellissimo!

  9. What a lovely advent calendar! My niece loves advent calendars and she would absolutely love to make her own...I think I might start a project with her! :)

  10. troppo carino e originale, complimenti Alessandra!

  11. How cool...I love the advent calendar! We need one of those at our house. Yours is very pretty!

  12. Oh, that is totally beautiful - something to absolutely treasure, and which no doubt in time your children's children will treasure
    Sue :-)


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