
Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Christmas Tram to colour Milan

Per le strade di Milano gira un tram morbido morbido, disegnato da Pao.

Fotografie: Massimiliano Morgante

My second Christmas post is dedicated to my birth city, Milan. I was born there by chance, and left too young to think of it as my own city, but I do visit often, and my brother lives there, so it is a special place for me.

I was going to write something completely different today, and then I saw some great pics on FB. My friend Pao has painted this tram for Motta (they make panettone), if you live in Milan maybe you have seen it!

I love Pao's penguins, these look like the three wise penguins bringing Panettone.

I remember when graffiti artists had to work quickly and dangerously to colour Milan's grey walls and dirty train carriages, and now they are finally given space :-), and credit!

Hahahaha, robber penguins!

And the Duomo!

Look inside! The walls are soft panettone... I wander if they could also add the fragrance! Better catch this tram after, and not before, breakfast! Wait that I show these photos to my kids! They would go "Ohhhh!!! I so much want to ride on Pao's tram!!"

Designer: Pao

Photos: Massimiliano Morgante


  1. I have a friend working in Milan at the moment, actually perhaps you know of her blog lucullian delights?
    It's a city I would so love to visit, why does NZ have to be so far away from everywhere? :-(

    LOVE the tram, too cute!

    Thanks so much for the lovely comment you left on my Advent calendar too!!

  2. Now I want some panettone... It's a beloved treat in my family.
    Did you know I had an Italian great grandmother, from the Milan region? I never met her but I suspect that's why I so worship Italy - I feel at home there.

  3. man - I would totally want to lick the walls...

  4. Lovely read, first time to this beautiful place, hope to come here more often for these lovely treats. Best wishes.

  5. Ciao Ale!Non ..che carino!!!!
    Pensa te, lo sai prima tu, dall'altra parte del mondo :)

  6. Saretta, fammi un fischio se lo vedi :-)

  7. ecco, in un tram così ci salirei più volentieri...però, dopo un po', che attacco di fame...!! speriamo che a Torino a qualcuno non venga in mente di "riempirlo" di bagna càuda...:-)
    però..con i gianduiotti... quasi quasi....

  8. How cool is that!!! Love it!

  9. What a lovely tram? It is great to see artists given space to beautify things.

  10. Yes, Pao started as a graffiti artist, and now his penguin character (also called Pao) is loved by everyone in the city!

  11. Saw your post on Holes in My Soles so popped over for a visit. What a wonderful tram - so colorful and novel. The penguins are darling and the idea of panettone makes my mouth water! Great post!

    Here's mine from the other side (more or less) of the world:

  12. I love the penguin decorations! It is a very tasteful decoration.

  13. I love how these trams are decorated. So festive! Enjoyed the photos and commentary.

  14. Cool tram Alessandra! Thanks for posting that!

  15. What a great train I love the painting on it and the insides could be a problem if I was hungry lol


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