
Monday, September 10, 2012

Give Away: the family-friendly gluten-free cookbook by Sarah King!

This giveaway is now close, you can find out who the winner is by clicking here

Thank you for entering, and see you at the next giveaway!

This week I have a wonderful give away to New Zealand readers, a beautiful book by Sarah King:
The Family-friendly Gluten-free Cookbook  (RRP $39.99), courtesy of New Holland Publishers NZ

The Family-friendly Gluten-free Cookbook is the culmination of one family’s fight to eat well, after being diagnosed with varying degrees of gluten-intolerance. Author Sarah King proves it is possible for a family to follow a gluten-free diet, however challenging the circumstances and on a limited budget.
To win this book just leave a message at the end of this post from today, Monday 10 September,  through to Friday 14 September. I will pick the winner by on Saturday. 

You don't have to be a follower of this blog to enter (but if you follow me of course I will be happy!)

The give away is open to everyone who lives in New Zealand (only NZ!)

Good luck!

A few words about coeliac disease and The Family-friendly Gluten-free Cookbook.

§  Over 24 million people worldwide are affected by coeliac disease. Under-diagnosis is a significant problem, with only 1 in 8 people being diagnosed.
§  Children in particular can suffer serious health consequences from coeliac disease unless they are introduced to a good gluten-free diet. Coeliac disease has a tendency to run in families. If one family member suffers from the condition then there is a 10-15% chance that an immediate family member will also have the condition.
§  Families find it hardest to adopt a gluten-free diet, as children demand food ‘that is the same as everyone else eats’. This book provides recipes with many Kiwi family favourites.

Recipes include:
-          Mediterranean Vegetable Tart
-          Bacon and Corn Muffins
-          Garlic Bread
-          Homestyle Chicken Pie
-          Lemon Meringue Pie
-          White Chocolate and Orange Biscotti
-          Chocolate Brownies
-          Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Filling
-          Self-saucing Chocolate Pudding
-          Baked New York Style Cheesecake

About the author and photographer:

Sarah now runs the Gluten-free Grocer in Mount Eden with her husband Mitch, as a way of sharing her knowledge with others, providing an affordable way of living gluten-free. With a commercial kitchen available through the catering company, they set about making gluten-free food themselves. The Gluten-free Grocer was the Winner of The Bloom Her Business Best New Business 2011 and Sarah was a finalist for Most Inspirational Role model in 2011. She has four children and lives in Auckland.
Devin Hart is a freelance photographer with experience in food, commercial and wedding photography. His work appears in New World supermarket’s Real magazine.


  1. oh che bello! torno a leggere un po' in giro dopo un sacco di tempo, e cosa ti trovo? la recensione di un libro senza glutine! allora sono proprio fortunata!
    non importa se il give-away è solo per i tuoi lettori neo-zelandesi, mi fa piacere lo stesso che tu dedichi tempo e pagine al nostro problema.

    1. Il piacere è tutto mio, peccato che non sei qui!

  2. Would love to win this beautiful looking book!

  3. Chissa', se vinco potrebbe essere un bel regalo per una mia cara amica :-)
    grazie Ale

  4. I have often driven past the Gluten-Free Grocer and thought it looks like a charming store.... must pop in. Recipes in the book sound lovely.

  5. Thanks for the tweet, Alessandra, yum! I would love the chance to win this book :-) I am thankful I don't have coeliac but I know people who do - so this would be a great way to cook something good next time they come to visit.

  6. I'd love to win this book! Always keen to try something different!

  7. My hubby is GF and eating out becomes difficult even though restaurants are becoming more aware there is always something and that's why we eat at home and having a good GF book is always a bonus - please put me in the draw. Thank you.

    1. I love to put you in the draw, but could you just leave me your name please :-).

  8. I would love to get my hands on this book! I've recently started trying out a few gluten free recipes with a coeliac work friend of mine and these recipes look awesome!

  9. It sounds like a wonderful book! I'm sure your lucky winner will be thrilled to receive it. I hope all is well. Blessings...Mary

  10. Hi Alessandra

    First give away in blog-land I have put my hand up for..... well, for my sister-in-law, she is struggling to come to terms with gluten intolerance. I've experimented with various bread formula for her to store in the freezer, to eat a slice when bread craving hits, (it isn't great bread). I'm sure they'd (my brother is the cook/baker at their place) appreciate some fresh New Zealand ideas.

    Cheers, Robyn

  11. I love it...I need it...Alessandra il book senza glutine del sud del mondo quasi a fianco al sud del mondo dove sto io mi manca !!

  12. Thanks for the opportunity to be in to win. Have just come across your blog in the last couple of days and slowly making my way through your posts. Thanks again.

  13. All right, I'm putting my name down :)) Thanks, Alessandra.
    And yes, it's very windy here in the countryside. Gosh, we even had hail last night. The temperature dropped to 3C this morning and we still are having this chilly wind from South. But hell to that, I still went out to the garden and fixed my strawberry patch. Something had dug out half of the plants!


  14. Splendida iniziativa! sono un po' in arretrato con la lettura del tuo meraviglioso blog. Un abbraccio

  15. Che bellissimo libro! Sono sicura che aiuterà tantissime persone, mi affascina molto capire come sostituire tutto il glutine, non ne so molto, e mi piacerebbe preparare qualche bella ricetta.

  16. I would love to win this book, it looks great.

  17. Replies
    1. :-) I did put you in the randomizer list anonymous, but next time leave at least a nick name please :-)

  18. This would NOT go to waste in our house! <3 This!!

  19. This recipes in this book sound scrumptious - I would love a copy of your Gluten Free Recipe book ♥

  20. This book looks fantastic : )

  21. This giveaway is now close, you can find the winner here

    thank you for entering, and see you at the next giveaway.


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