
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Chili and garlic Swiss chard (coste aglio olio e peperoncino)

Swiss chard (silver beet) is a vegetable that you can always find in winter, and fortunately I love it. Also it can be cooked in so many ways, as a side or as an ingredient for a main. This is a quick side, I never had it 'spicy' and I was pleasantly surprised! 

Just wash the silver beet (chard), cut the white stalks and leaves into fork-size pieces (pieces that you can pick up with a fork). Heat some extra virgin olive oil in a pan, add a peeled clove of garlic or two, and some fresh chilies (I added a green and a red, chopped). When the garlic and chilies sizzle add the white stalks and stir. After a few minutes add the leaves and salt to taste. Cover and let the leaves cook in their own steam, stirring from time to time. Serve hot. Yummy, different and super easy!

And for more silver beet ideas look at all the recipes below :-)

Feb 26, 2012
Pick the silverbeet from your veggie garden (or buy it!), as much as you can, since it goes down a lot! I used young tender leaves of rainbow chard. Sauté with olive oil, one sliced shallot and salt. Cover and cook in its own ...
Feb 03, 2011
The other day I showed you my curry made with borage, 'invented' because I have tons of it in the garden! The other green-leaf crop that does well in Auckland is silver beet. My old plants (from last year!) got so tall that I ...
Jun 15, 2012
I placed the silver beet stalks on top first, and then green leaves as a third layer. I covered everything with the remaining besciamelle. A super generous dusting of grated parmesan cheese on top, and straight into the oven ...
Oct 30, 2011
Broken silverbeet bruschetta, a demo in Italian and what about advertising??? My silverbeet is not big enough to be picked, but I was working in the veggie garden and I broke one entire little plant by mistake. Well, I cut it right ...

Aug 17, 2012
The other day I cooked some silver beet (chard), leaves and stalk separately. We had the leaves as a side, hot and dressed with some Japanese soy sauce and lemon juice, and I kept the stalks for the day after. I love lemon ...

Photos and Recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©


  1. Ottime anche le erbette o la cicoria selvatica dei campi. me le preparo almeno una volta alla settimana, le trovo più tenere le prime e deliziosamente amarognole le seconde. normalmente le scotto e cucino con la loro acqua e un pizzico di sale prima di farle saltare in padella con aglio e peperoncino. gnam!

    1. Si buonissime Gintonic, che bello andar per campi!

  2. io non amo tanto le coste, magari provando qualche tua ricetta riuscirò a mangiarle più spesso!!
    grazie, ciao

    1. Neppure le foglie verdi? I gambi non sono un gran che, ma si possono usare in molti modi :-)

  3. che delizia....mia nonna utilizzava la parte bianca delle coste più grosse e le impanava e friggeva in olio...erano fantastiche!!! la chiamava la milanese dei poveri (carne non se ne vedeva spesso in famiglia!)

  4. Ok, allora devo provare a farle anch'io :-) Carne non ne vediamo mai hahahaha!

  5. Urka, devo provare anch'io a friggerle!! in effetti non ho mai utilizzato le foglie verdi da sole!

  6. Io le uso spesso da sole al forno con la besciamella e gratinate, o nei piatti cinesi, ma fritte... che ideona vero?

  7. Thansk for visiting; always nice to meet another cat person - and one who cooks. We like this dish and eat it often in the Chinese restaurant.

  8. Thank you for visiting too Katz ;-)


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