Saturday, February 28, 2009

Queenstown and Lake Wakatipu

La prima volta che ho visto il Banji jumping erano i primi di gennaio 1993, quando Peter mi aveva portato in giro per il paese. Devo dire che mi ha fatto effetto, io non lo farei mai (Peter l'ha fatto anni dopo, quando portava in giro mio fratello, ma me l'ha detto solo dopo...).

Insomma, io preferisco il Bush walking, tranquillo (a parte i ponti che dondolano) ed i panorami. Non c'è molto da dire qui, bastano le immagini.

Photos by Alessandra Zecchini©

Friday, February 27, 2009

Fiordland, il posto più bello in Nuova Zelanda

Ok, premetto che non ci vivrei, troppo isolato e piovoso, ma sicuramente da non perdere se si viaggia per il paese. Altro che Signore degli Anelli, questo è sicuramente un paesaggio mitico e fiabesco, ma lascio parlare le immagini!

Mirror Lakes

On the way to Milford Sound



Photos by Alessandra Zecchini©

Strange Resting Places

"Drawing on their own Maori and Italian family histories, this talented pair have created a spellbinding little gem of a show that will have you laughing a lot and crying just a little."

Don't miss this Festival favorite, fresh from sell out seasons Nationally and Internationally.
 The hilarious and moving tale of Maori Soldiers' encounter with the natives...the Italians (in Italy) during the Second World War.'

Scritto e recitato da Paolo Rotondo e Rob Mokaraka 'Strange Resting Places' ci trasporta dalla Nuova Zelanda all'abbazia di Monte Cassino.  Racconti degli incontri e degli scontri fra i soldati del Battaglione Maori e il popolo italiano.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Best Sausages in New Zealand

Greg Scopas and Kathryn Katavich of Salumeria Fontana

Congratulation to Slow Food Waitakere member Greg Scopas, winner of the 'Best Sausages in New Zealand'  2009 Cuisine Artisan Awards.

Greg, of Salumeria Fontana, scooped the supreme award with his Sicilian Sweet Fennel Sausages made by hand in Wellsford using Canterbury's finest pork. Judges said the Salumeria Fontana sausages were "handmade with the greatest of care and the best of ingredients" and "exemplify top-notch artisan fare". They found his Sicilian Sweet Fennel Sausages "beautifully elegant, sweet and fresh, with great flavours, tasting clearly of pork and fennel and with perfect seasoning and tender skin". All Salumeria Fontana sausages are preservative- and gluten-free, and made from Murrellen pork from Canterbury, which can be traced right back to where it came from. Greg said winning the award was "just huge. We are pretty fussy about what we do, and it's good to get the recognition." Well done!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Children cooking classes in Ranui

Today I had the pleasure of substituting Claire Inwood as the teacher at the Ranui Community centre cooking classes for children, part sponsored by Slow Food Waitakere. Vegetables came from the Ranui Community Gardens and with the children we cooked pasta with fresh tomato sauce and herbs, and roasted capsicums. I found the children, ranging from age 5 to 12, sincerely interested, enthusiastic, capable, helpful and...with good appetite! It was a pleasure to teach them and I am looking forward to do it again next week. 

I personally would like to thank all of our Slow Food Waitakere members: it is because of you membership that these projects are possible, so thank you again, and don't forget to renew your membership!

Photos by Alessandra Zecchini ©


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