Friday, September 25, 2009
Festival Italiano in Auckland 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009
Henderson Valley School's Edible Garden
Thank you so very much for your generous donation to Henderson Valley School's edible garden. We really appreciate how you are helping our school in such a big way. We also have a compost system, two worm farms and a Wetland. These are just some of the things we do at Henderson Valley to make our school more sustainable for the future. Here are some pictures of the Edible Garden.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Coppa Amaretto
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Festival Italiano in Auckland

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Book Launch and Chilled Cucumber Soup
The Iron-Bound Coast book launch
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Slow Food Waitakere’s plans are coming to fruition.
Waitakere, Ranui Community House
The idea that we could create a food garden and use it to teach the community what growing food is all about and also provide tutors for cooking lessons is a step closer with the completion of custom made aprons combining the logos of Slow Food Waitakere and the Ranui Community House.
Pictured in their new aprons, partially funded by Slow Food Waitakere, are the children in the “Cooking for Kids” class on a Tuesday afternoon. Adult cooking classes are on a Wednesday and both classes have tutors who are Slow Food Members. A decision on a funding application to the local community board is due soon, and if it goes in our favour, Slow Food members will create a ‘teaching garden” and also fund an after school children’s class in growing vegetables.
Of course this has been a great example of many different groups and individuals in a small community working together to create something that benefits everyone. From the quilting lady who made the aprons, through the staff of the community house who donated the material, to the printer who did the work and the committee member of the Ranui Community House who organised it all. Essential in this was the contribution by all Slow Food Waitakere members, as part of their contribution is used for community projects.
The results have been all positive and we at Slow Food Waitakere are proud to have done our share.
Further details can be obtained from Karen Perri (09) 833 9064 or Claire Inwood (09) 8128192
Or check the Slow Food Waitakere Site
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
A Taste of Yellow
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Going West Books & Writers Festival 2009

The Going West Books and Writers Festival comprises an exciting range of word-based events including the theatre
season, poetry slam, rare and second-hand book market, writers in schools programme, the literary weekend - bringing together
writers and performers from around the country and Storyfest, the free family day.
The festival will be running from 17 August - 26 September
at various venues in Waitakere City.
Celebrate the West:
Westside Forever - FREE Afternoon
Saturday 12 September
4:30 to 5:30 - An insiders look at 'Outrageous Fortune' with James Griffin, Rachel Lang and Robyn Malcolm (Cheryl)

Thursday, September 3, 2009
The Iron-Bound Coast: Karekare in the early years

The Iron-Bound Coast is a rare book. Discovered by writer and Waitakere City mayor Bob Harvey while researching Auckland’s spectacular west coast, the two manuscripts for the work were written in long hand with photos laboriously pasted in. Wally Badham had set out to preserve his crystal-clear memories of early Karekare for his nieces, but has created a work of living history that speaks to all New Zealanders.
Bob Harvey recalls his excitement on discovering The Iron-Bound Coast: “I realised this is truly a rich gem, a legacy of not only remote Karekare beach, but a grand story of this country. Wally speaks in a voice that reflects the time; a time that is now rapidly fading in memory and people.”
Illustrated with 215 photos, most never before published, this hardback edition marks the third release of the Libro International book imprint from Waitakere-based publisher Oratia Media.
Managing director Peter Dowling heralded the publication: “We are thrilled to publish The Iron-Bound Coast, a work of historical significance and entertaining content. We hope we’ve done Wally proud – everyone who reads it seems to fall under his spell.”
Review copies are available now; the book launches at theGoing West Books and Writers Festival on 12 September and will be in stores from 15 September.
Extracts and photos from the work are available to selected media.
Wallace Badham grew up at Karekare and left only with the onset of World War II. His unhappy later life belied the accomplishments and adventure of his youth, when he was among the first pilots in Auckland and spent days roaming across the remote valleys of the Waitkare Ranges. He retained a deep affection for the area and its history until his death in 2001.
Bob Harvey, historian, writer and mayor of Waitakere City, has edited the Badham text. A prolific author, Harvey is the author of six books centred on the west coast and its history, including Untamed Coast, Rolling Thunder and Wild Beast: The Art of Dean Buchanan. Bob spends much of his time at his beach home in Karekare.
The Iron-Bound Coast is the third book from Libro International, the new book division launched this year by Oratia Media. It followsOutrageous Fortune: The West Family Album, and Tim Tipene’s Kura Toa: Warrior School. Libro International is taking New Zealand history, Maori studies, children’s and general nonfiction titles to the world.
The Iron-Bound Coast: Karekare in the early years
Wallace Badham; edited by Bob Harvey
ISBN: 978-1-877514-01-2
Format: 200 pages, jacketed hardback
Publisher: Libro International, an imprint of Oratia Media Ltd, Auckland; www.oratiamedia.com
Recommended retail price: $60