The West Auckland branch of the Green Party is presenting a Green
Party food evening which includes a screening of the movie `Food Matters`
And food discussion with Sue Kedgley and local Green Foodies Lisa Er
(founder of Lisa`s Hummus) and Slow Food Waitakere member Karen Perri (Ranui community garden leader and food tutor)
Thursday 23 April at 7.30pm
Location: Earthsong, 457 Swanson Road, Ranui
Tickets: $10.00 ($5 unwaged) (All profits go to the Green Party)
Tickets available on the night or to book contact Karen Perri 09
or email karenperri@gmail.com
`Food Matters` is a hard hitting, fast paced look at our state of
health. Despite the millions we spend on health, people are getting
This movie examines the business of disease and the safe, cheap and
effective use of nutrition for preventing illness. Produced by James
Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch.
www.foodmatters.tv <http://www.foodmatters.tv/>
See you there