Saturday, January 14, 2012

Skiing in Canazei


Arantxa and Max

Photos by Alessandra Zecchini ©

Today our ski instructor asked us if we prefer the mountains or the sea. What to say, I love them both, in different ways, but my heart belongs to the mountains... in fact Arantxa and I are dreaming up our very own chalet and, in our fantasies, we are filling it up with red and white tablecloths and Südtirol style wooden furniture :-)!  

And you? What do you prefer: the mountains or the sea?


  1. love these incredible photos

    i live in a city, but when i was a child i spent a lot of time by the ocean during the summers but also spent time at an uncle's house in the mountains - a house he built himself that was far from any other people

    the energy in that house was amazing, so strong and comforting - nestled in a clearing in the middle of woods full of dear and bear

    i can't choose! if i could be 2 people i would live both places :)

  2. Montagna con lago è ideale, adoro la zona alta del Garda, il mio posto incantato, poi le Dolomiti in assoluto.
    Il mare mi piace, ma dopo un po' mi annoia...

  3. Ehh si...è una bella lotta! Anch'io che abito in pianura, in realtà non saprei che scegliere!! Lo chalet di montagna con la neve e il profumo del camino in inverno e il mare e il sole e il profumo dell'acqua in estate.....a dire la verità a me piace anche il lago!! Forse è proprio questo, ogni stagione ha le sue immagini nella fantasia, per me sono anche queste! Cmq le Dolomiti sono le mie montagne preferite!! Lieta che tu sia ancora qui!! :-) ciao, divertitevi!

  4. ti direi mare per tutta la vita, anche se le immagini che hai scattato tolgono il respiro...piacere di conoscerti & have a nice week end !!! Carolina

  5. Immagini favolose, viene la voglia di stare lì e sciare tutto il giorno, ciao

  6. Your photos are amazing! Oh it's a tough choice, mountains/sea. I didn't see much of either growing up in various big cities, but if I HAD to pick one I think I'd pick the sea. Love being in the water, being on a boat, and I always feel like my thoughts fall effortlessly into the giant sea which swallows them up neatly and kindly.

    P.S. How do we apply to host Sweet NZ? Would love to at some point if I may.

    1. Hi Mel, May is free, would you like me to book you in???

    2. You are in.

  7. Che bello rivedere quelle bellissime scelta è difficilissima....montagna d'inverno e mare d'estate!

  8. Those blue skies could almost come from Australia! But the snow? Nah!! I prefer the mountains when I'm up high and the sea when I'm on the coast ... too hard to choose!!

    Have a great weekend!!

  9. io li amo entrambi, e li detesto entrambi, per diversi motivi.
    non saprei scegliere, certo che le immagini che ha postato tu fanno venire voglia...

  10. Oh dear..can I say both!?
    We have snow is going to be a cozy day...enjoy yours. xoxo

  11. What beautiful pictures...!! Have fun with the ski lessons :).

  12. A me piacciono entrambi... non sciando, non subisco il fascino della montagna con la neve più di quanto lo subisca con la vegetazione estiva... per me la montagna è...riposo, perché ho la casa dove ci rintaniamo a ricaricare le pile, e il mare è...vacanza!^^

  13. Well, for me the mountains are great in all seasons, I also love autumn in the mountains, picking mushrooms and chestnuts... in the summer the flowers are amazing... I think yes, mountains!

  14. La montagna la preferisco in estate, e in assoluto l'oceano in inverno! Foto meravigliose! Un Bacio!

  15. Mushrooms and chestnuts!? I LOVE both of those. I've had very limited experience of the mountains so I guess I'm more for the sea. Your photos are beautiful though. I would love to go to the snow one day! I've been to the snow once and that was as a child. It wasn't even snowing that day. Don't you feel suddenly very, very small when faced with giant mountains like these?


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