Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Salad with mixed leaves and flowers and silver beet from the garden

A crop that never fails me is silver beet (Swiss Chard) and since I find it easier to grow than spinach I mostly use it to make palak paneer (although in this case is silver beet paneer !) and silver beet baked pasta. Click here for even more recipes with silver beet.

I cut the outer leaves and leave the plants in the garden, as they keep making leaves until Autumn!

I also have mixed salad leaves (lots of mizuna this year) and an variety of flowers. Didi you know that you can eat impatient (busy lizzy) flowers too? They taste a bit like rocket, the best for me are the red ones, but the pink ones are so pretty! 

 Photos and recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©


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