Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Trieste in the evening and night

It is unfair to write a proper post about the city of Trieste after such a short visit, but the city is truly lovely and I wanted to share a few images. I always wanted to visit Trieste, but it seems a bit out of my usual routes, so this time we decided for a detour on our way to Venice, even if for just one night! This is the view from our hotel room's window.

We arrived in the afternoon, which quickly turned into evening, softened by what we were told was an unusual fog. The city is elegant, and the evening stroll was great because the walks by the sea, the main square Piazza Unità d'Italia, the Roman theatre, and all the historic centre, have a beautiful and well thought lighting system. 

Trieste is also famous for his historic cafes (and its coffee), and I wanted to visit at least one! I referred to this beautiful and informative post by blogger Chiara, and seeing that we were quite close to the Caffè Tommaseo, (Piazza Tommaseo 4/c), I dragged my family in. Also after reading Chiara's post about the different ways Triestini call their coffees (like nero for espresso, and nero in B for an espresso in a glass, not so common in other parts of Italy) I was keen to ask for a Goccia in B (a macchiato with hot milk in a glass). The kids had hot chocolate in B (glass). 

And to top the great experience I called an old friend of mine who lives in Trieste to tell her where I was, and she came over to meet us. It was quite incredible for the kids to realize that I hadn't seen this friend for over 25 years!!!!! Bentrovata Milena!!!!

Meeting Milena at the Tommaseo Cafe

The morning after we visited the Miramare Castle, which was fun for the kids who enjoyed all those royal portraits, lavish wallpapers and elaborated furniture! Photos are not allowed inside, but have a look at the link for a virtual tour, quite decadent and eclectic! The park is also lovely, as is the view, and we promised ourselves to come back in Summer one day.

So for now...

Arrivederci Trieste!

Castello di Miramare

Photos by Alessandra Zecchini ©

after many problems connecting I decided to get one of those internet cards that you can use in cafes, and this is my first post written in a cafe! Wonderful, I wished I did this before, I think that I will drink lots of coffees in the next few days in Italy (leaving on the 27th).


  1. Looks like you had a great time! Some amazing pictures as well! :)

  2. Trieste è la città in cui io vivo (proprio vicino a Ponterosso), è stato un vero caso che tu sia capitata nell'unico giorno in cui qui aleggiava una leggera nebbia, di solito in questa città il cielo è quasi sempre azzurro e limpido. Complimenti per il post, con le parole e le immagini hai descritto molto bene la città. Ciao, a presto

    1. Donatella, era bellissima anche con la nebbia, quindi m'immagino senza :-). Spero di tornarci!

  3. How wonderful to be able to revisit and make a special cafe trip. Seeing your friend was a total bonus. I've loved seeing the photographs on this trip. Enjoy the rest of it.

  4. It's been quite a long time I haven't been in Trieste. Your enchanting photos are a marvellous reminder!

  5. Adoro Trieste *O*! E con le tue foto mi viene voglia di tornarci di nuovo :D!

  6. mamma mia che foto...ho sempre sognato Trieste e non l'ho mai vista...quando vedo foto come le tue so che ci dovrò andare...buon viaggio :)

  7. attenta che il caffè italiano se ti ci abitui poi avrai una crisi di astinenza ^^

    io non bevo molto caffè, am a Trieste farei decisamente un'eccezione...bellissimo il tuo reportage :)

    1. Il caffe' buono c'e' anche da noi, ma quello che mi manca sono i caffe' storici! Da noi sono tutti moderni o stile retro, insomma, a volte ho un po' di voglia di barocco!!! :-)

  8. I enjoy you blog - pictures are amazing! Coffee, chocolate, mmmmmm....

  9. I can see that Trieste offers great walking tours to the Tourist in the city and around its hills. I want to experience those walks one day. Wandering around this beautiful place and if there's a chance, shop for some Italian ceramics.

  10. Nooooooooooooooo ... Aleeeeeeeee ... accidenti te ne sei andata? Potevamo incontrarci :(((
    Sei venuta a casa mia ... che peccato, sarebbe stata un'ottima occasione per conoscerci!!!

  11. Hi Ale, peccato ma tornero' un giorno di sicuro! :-)

  12. Sent this to our father who was born in Trieste, brought back a lot of memories for him and also for me when I visited some ten years ago with him. Ingrid

  13. Scusami Alessandra, mi era sfuggito questo post, l'hai pubblicato in quei giorni che non ero a Trieste....Grazie per aver citato il mio prossima volta però dobbiamo proprio conoscerci! un abbraccio...

    1. Sarebbe bello tornare, magari nella bella stagione, e naturalmente conoscerti di persona!



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